Thursday, June 3, 2010


Another year has come and gone, and with it too many missed chances to write. The countdown has begun for NaNo 2010, and I am at a complete and total loss as to what I'm going to be writing about.

Like the new layout? I made it 'cause I decided that I needed a fresh look for inspiration. Blue was the color that helped fuel my writing when I was in high school, and I'm hoping to get that vibe back. The image is my own, the only bit that isn't is the font (I still can't make my own).

I'm issuing myself a challenge right now, and this blog will be the fruit of it (I hope). I have a new set of goals that I WILL have complete by the due date, and I WILL hit my word count goals.

Pardon while I do a bit of math here...

My new start date is today. My end date for getting my daily word count to a higher number will end Octover 31, which is 4 months and 28 days, or 150 days total, meaing that if I start with a word count goal of 500 words a day, I need to increase that each week by approxamately 350 words (with a goal of at least 7500 words a day).

Crazy, I know, so here's the breakdown (by week):

June 10: 500
June 17: 850
June 24: 1200
July 1: 1550
July 8: 1900
July 15: 2250
July 22: 2600
July29: 2950
August 5: 3300
August 12: 3650
August 19: 4000
August 26: 4350
September 2: 4700
September 9: 5050
September 16: 5400
September 23: 5750
September 30: 6100
October 7: 6450
October 14: 6800
October 21: 7150
October 28: 7500
October 31: 7850

These word counts can be for both writng in my novel as well as writing prompts, but not for outlines. I plan on having at least three full outlines complete by November 1, including my novel for this year. That corralates to 50 days per outline, which is comletely do-able.

Other than those two major ones, I also plan on writing on here every day (except for days that I have work later than 10 pm, which shouldn't be too many times). It's also my plan that I come up with mini-mothly goals and stick to them.

Check back tomorrow for the first post about this month, June 3-July 1. This could get interesting!

Sunday, February 7, 2010


Once again, I have found myself woefully under written. I didn't even get my novel off the ground this past year, and have since decided to re-try the idea because it does have some good plot points that I don't want to get rid of.

So, I have been reviewing my copy of First Draft in 30 Days, and have a good grasp at working through it. I'll post a count down for everything soon.

Also, since this book is about writing an outline and not the full story, I will be shelving it at the end of my 30 days, which is March 4, if I remember correctly. Perhaps I'll pass the outline around and see if there are any holes that need to be fixed before I write it? Hmm.. That is a thought.

Also, as to the title of this blog, let me assure you that it is relevent. I don't have the dates (though I think it is in June, which is right after school lets out for the summer), but I am planning on winning it this year! (fist pump)

So, happy plotting!